1280 720 720p HD Yes
1920 1080 1080p HD Yes

Which brings us to image size and aspect ratio. This is another issue you may struggle with when trying to upload suitable images to your website. Thumbnails in MH Magazine have certain image ratios, depending on where they are being shown – e.g. on archives, posts or within widgets.

IMPORTANT: Recommended image sizes depending on which slider size (large / normal) you are using.

  • If you’re using the large, full-width slider on your widgetized front page in the Home 1 widget area, the optimal size of your featured images should be at least 1030 x 438px.
  • If you’re using the smaller slider on your widgetized front page in e.g. the Home 2 widget area, the optimal size of your featured images should be at least 678 x 381px.

It’s recommended to upload images with a 16:9 aspect ratio which is the most commonly accepted standard ratio for todays digital media devices. For the large slider in MH Magazine, WordPress will generate a thumbnail with 1:2.35 aspect ratio, which is slightly different to reduce the height of the image. In general, when you upload images, WordPress will generate suitable thumbnails which will be displayed nicely on your posts, archives, within custom widgets and so on.

If you’re selecting images that don’t meet at least the recommended image dimensions, you will encounter some undesirable stretching, squashing and cropping effects on your images, also usually along with a dramatic decrease in image quality, as shown in the example image below: